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[*] Software & Hotlinks
Assembler, Pascal, Delphi,  C(++/#), free software. Check out for some free software and or tools
[*] Interfacing
Networks, Serial communication (-program's), Internet
[*] Hardware & Hotlinks
Analog- and digital-electronic designs.
[*] Reading
AG Connect(former Automatiseringgids),
[*] TV
The WDR ComputerClub was a weekly German tvprogram about computers and multi media on the German broadcasting organization WDR. This program has been canceled after 20 years. The program is now back a as a Internet TV programm called Computer:Club²
[*] Music
[Fab Four] The Beatles Homepages
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Weather in Waalre by OpenWeatherMap logo broken clouds
Temperature 21.28 °C broken clouds
Wind chill 21.34 °C broken clouds
Humidity 72 % broken clouds
Air pressure 1014 hPa broken clouds
Wind speed 1.54 m/s broken clouds
Wind direction South South broken clouds
Sun Rise 5:55 Sun Rise
Sun Set 21:33 Sun Set
Updated:2024-07-27 12:26:06 broken clouds
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