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Here it is: a pseudo sudo terminal for domain based Windows machines.
Published : 2014-03-18.
Last updated : 2017-05-02.
This command script emulates a root terminal by opening a domain admin command shell in a domain based Windows PC or server.
Just copy the code in the box below and save it as "sudo.cmd" in the search path or save it in one of the Windows system root subfolders (%SystemRoot%).
@echo off
REM ***************************************************************************
REM * This batch emulates the sudo command for Microsoft Windows 7 and newer. *
REM * (C)Copyright 2014 - 2025 vanSoest.it by Johan van Soest *
REM * Free example downloaded from site http://www.vanSoest.it *
REM * *
REM * Usage: *
REM * Type "sudo" or double click this script in explorer *
REM * Install: *
REM * Save or Copy this script somewhere in the search Path *
REM ***************************************************************************
echo %UserName%@%ComputerName%:~$ sudo
runas /user:%userdomain%\administrator cmd.exe
Now you can easily start several programs as a domain administrator from the administrator command window such as explorer, eventvwr, services.msc etc.
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