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Starting Windows 7 takes longer after months of use.
Published : 2014-01-27.
Last updated : 2019-07-26.
Are you running Windows 7 for months but is the system taking longer booting with a constant burning hard disk led? When opening the resource monitor during boot is it showing a lot of disk activity on the system task
svchost.exe on file "C:\Windows\Prefetch\ReadyBoot\ReadyBoot.etl"?
Image 1: Resource monitor shows high Disk Activity on file "C:\Windows\Prefetch\ReadyBoot\ReadyBoot.etl"
The log file ReadyBoot.etl tracks all file activity at boot time. Since all file activities done at boot time (even system
updates and spyware scans) accumulate in this file, it may fill with obsolete information. The fix is to set the ReadyBoot.etl
from "Append" into "Circular logging" mode, so that only the most recent file access activity is tracked.
Step by step configuration with the GUI
The following steps explain how
to set this. (Current logged-on user is a non-administrative user account as normal use of Windows 7 should be)
Click the "Start" button, click "Control Panel"
Click "Administrative Tools"
Image 2: Control Panel with the Administrative Tools.
Right click "Performance Monitor" and run the application as a different administrator user.
Image 3: Starting the Performance Monitor as an administrative user.
Expand left side tree entry for "Data Collection Sets",
highlight "Startup Event Trace Sessions",
right click the "ReadyBoot" line and select "Properties"
Image 4: Selecting the ReadyBoot Properties in the Performance Monitor.
Select the "File" tab
Image 5: Selecting the Circular Log mode in the ReadyBoot Properties File tab.
Select the "Circular Log mode"option
Click "Apply" and "OK" and restart the computer. The computer will now boot faster.
Configuration with a registry file.
Warning:This solution modifies the Windows registry. Back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs.
Copy the Registry file below, save the text with the file name ReadyBoot.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Dubble click the registryfile, load it and restart the computer. The computer will now boot faster.
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