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DB Browser for SQLite


SQLite is probably the most used database worldwide as it is free to use and is embedded in most modern browsers such as Mozilla FireFox, Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge and Operating Systems such as Android, iOS/iPadOS/MacOs, linux and Windows 10 or better. SQLite implements most of the SQL-92 standard but has no support for Stored Procedures. An SQLite database is a single ordinary disk file that can be located anywhere in the directory hierarchy.
Manage any SQLite database on your computer with DB Browser for SQLite.

Features of DB Browser for SQLite

  • DB Browser for SQLite has an intuitive hierarchical tree showing database objects.
  • Helpful dialogs to manage tables and indexes.
  • You can browse and search the tables, as well as add, edit, delete and duplicate the records.
  • Facility to execute any SQL query.
  • Easy access to common operations through menu, toolbars, buttons and context-menu.
  • Export tables and database in csv format.
  • Import from csv/sql (both UTF-8 and UTF-16).
  • Possible to execute multiple sql statements in Execute tab. You can save the queries.


A simple sales support database is created for the demo, containing of the tables:
CREATE TABLE "Customers" (
            ,"Name" CHAR
            ,"Address" CHAR
            ,"Place" CHAR
            ,"Country" CHAR
CREATE TABLE "OrderLines" (
            "OrdID" INTEGER NOT NULL
            ,"OrdLineID" INTEGER NOT NULL
            ,"ProdID" INTEGER
            ,"Count" INTEGER
            ,"Price" NUMERIC
            ,PRIMARY KEY (
            ,"CustID" INTEGER
CREATE TABLE "Products" (
            ,"Name" CHAR
            ,"Cost" NUMERIC
This creates this database:
SQLite Example Database diagram
SQLite Example Database diagram (made with SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS))

Screen Shots

This great program provides a lot of overviews. Three are shown here to give you an impression:
DB Browser for SQLite displays the table layout, Create query and column overview.
DB Browser for SQLite displays the table layout, Create query and column overview.
DB Browser for SQLite displaying the row/tuple based content of the table.
DB Browser for SQLite displaying the row/tuple based content of the table.
DB Browser for SQLite SQL query editor and query results grid displaying all order, order lines with customer and product information.
DB Browser for SQLite SQL query editor and query results grid displaying all order, order lines with customer and product information.

Example query

The query shown above is:
    -- ******************************************************************************************
    -- * This Database design is created to demonstrate the program DB Browser for SQLite.      *
    -- * (C) Copyright 2013 - 2024 by Johan van Soest.                              *
    -- *                                                                                        *
    -- * This example code is only provided for demonstration purposes and does not             *
    -- * constitute a complete and / or error free and / or optimized production ready solution.*
    -- ******************************************************************************************

    SELECT OrdJoin.OrdID AS "Order"
        ,OrdJoin.OrdLineID AS "Order Line"
        ,Customers.NAME AS "Customer name"
        ,Products.NAME AS "Product Name"
        ,OrdJoin.Count AS "Amount Ordered"
        ,OrdJoin.Price AS "Price"
    FROM (
        SELECT *
        FROM OrderLines
        INNER JOIN Orders ON (OrderLines.OrdID = Orders.OrdID)
        ) AS OrdJoin
    WHERE OrdJoin.ProdID = Products.ProdID
        AND OrdJoin.CustID = Customers.CustID
    ORDER BY OrdJoin.OrdID
SQL formatted with PoorSQL

Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows 32 and 64 bit
  • MacOs
  • Linux (Several)
  • BSD


DB Browser for SQLite is free to use, a donation is appreciated.


Download location: DB Browser for SQLite.

Note: This topic used to be about the FireFox plugin SQLite Manager, however that plugin is now substandard. Consider this cross-platform application instead.
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