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ICT-Hotlist Topic

NTP Time Source

How to configure an authoritative time server in Windows" Server 2008 (R2)

Windows servers include a time service, as correct time is very important for Kerberos authentication. All computers in a Windows Active Directory Domain will normally get their time from their authenticating Domain Controller (logon server). All Domain Controllers get their time from the server running the PDC emulator role. See also the box "How to locate your PDC?". The server running the PDC role can be configured to get it's time from a hardware device or an authoritative time service on the internet.
Image of the Windows time synchronisation hierarchy. Click for a larger image.
Image of the Windows time synchronisation hierarchy. Click for a larger image.

For information about and a tool to set the authoritative time server automatically go to
This tool also shows you the syntax about setting up multiple authoritative time servers.
Current time sources can be checked by the command:
w32tm /query /peers
This produces thefollowing output:
C:\>w32tm /query /peers
#Peers: 2

State: Active
Time Remaining: 449.1250324s
Mode: 1 (Symmetric Active)
Stratum: 2 (secondary reference - syncd by (S)NTP)
PeerPoll Interval: 8 (256s)
HostPoll Interval: 8 (256s)

State: Active
Time Remaining: 449.1250324s
Mode: 1 (Symmetric Active)
Stratum: 2 (secondary reference - syncd by (S)NTP)
PeerPoll Interval: 8 (256s)
HostPoll Interval: 8 (256s)

How to locate your PDC using the Command line?
You can find the server running the PDC role by opening a command box and type:
netdom query fsmo

This should result in something like:
C:\>netdom query fsmo
Schema master               nlaaldc1.vansoest.local
Domain naming master        nlaaldc1.vansoest.local
PDC                         nlaaldc1.vansoest.local
RID pool manager            nlaaldc1.vansoest.local
Infrastructure master       nlaaldc1.vansoest.local
The command completed successfully.
How to locate your PDC using PowerShell?
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Get-ADForest -Current LocalComputer | Format-List SchemaMaster ,DomainNamingMaster
Get-ADDomain -Current LocalComputer | Format-List PDCEmulator, RIDMaster, InfrastructureMaster

This should result in something like:
SchemaMaster       : nlaaldc1.vansoest.local
DomainNamingMaster : nlaaldc1.vansoest.local

PDCEmulator          : nlaaldc1.vansoest.local
RIDMaster            : nlaaldc1.vansoest.local
InfrastructureMaster : nlaaldc1.vansoest.local

Note 1: this topic does not explain the differences between SNTP and NTP. Read more here
Note 2: When entering multiple time sources in the wizzard, you should keep the ",0x1" behind every time source.
Multipe time sources. Pay attention to the ',0x1'.
Multiple time sources. Pay attention to the ",0x1".

Note 3: List of time servers by country code
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