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Enkele trefwoorden

Johan van Soest HTS ING.
Ingenieur TCK automatisering
IT InformatieTechniek Analyse
Informatica International trainer Security & Privacy Netwerken
ICT Technische Computerkunde Systeem ontwikkeling
Unisys Mainframe Software ontwikkeling
LINC - II LDA - III Programmeren
AMT-LION Asysco clustering
PC-Softwareontwikkeling Borland Embarcadero C ++ Visual C#
Visual C ++ Visual Basic Active Server Pages (ASP)
Borland Pascal Borland Delphi Embarcadero Windows 98
Internet HTML design JavaScript
dHTML HTML 5.0 python
IIS5 /  IIS6 / IIS7 / IIS8 / IIS 10 Extranet Internet information services
Netwerkbeheer C# DPO Data Protection Officer
Intranet Beveiliging / Netwerk autorisatie E-commerce
B2B B2C Windows server 2019
Windows 2012 R2 Standard Server Windows 8.1 Windows 2012 R2 Datacenter server
Functionaris voor de Gegevensbescherming / Data Protection Officer General Data Protection Regulation GDPR / Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming AVG CIPM Certified Information Privacy Manager
Data Processing Agreement/ Verwerkers Overeenkomst Data Leak Prevention Microsoft 365
Datalek management Privacy lek melding Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens contactpersoon
Exchange 365 Exchange 2013 Exchange Online
Embedded software Controllers 3gl & 4gl
Machinetaal Assembler Free - software
Waalre bij Eindhoven Aalst (NB) gemeente Waalre
Eindhoven Noord-Brabant Nederland
Database SQL server 2019 Unisys DMS II
SQL server 2014 SQL server 2012 SQL Server 2016
Ubuntu Linux Visual Basic Barcodering
Barcode scanning Logistieke automatisering WMS
Warehouse Management System Management webmaster
VMware vSphere wil ik graag
Business Continuity Manager (BCM) VMware Virtual Infrastructure Client Hyper-V
Veeam Backup & Replication vSphere VMware Server
SD Worx Sharepoint DHCP
TOPdesk KiXtart / Kix WSH
Fiber HP Procurve SAN
StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array EVA HP StorageWorks 1500 Modular Smart Array, HP StorageWorks 2050 Modular Smart Array APC by Schneider Electric UPS
web design PowerShell Citrix Netscaler
career opportunity ICT-Manager / IT management Citrix XenApp, Secure Access Gateway Post HBO Management voor Technici
Project management carrière mogelijkheid ICT Manager / Hoofd IT internationale projecten
Veritas Backup Exec Symantec Backup Exec Hewlett and Packard / HP Dataprotector
Intune & Data Loss Prevention Data Subject Access Request DSAR/ Rechten van betrokkenen RTBF Register van de verwerkingsactiviteiten (artikel 30)/ Records of processing activities (article 30)
Outlook Onenote Volume Activation Management Tool
WORD 2013, word 2016, Word 2019, Excel 2013, Excel 2016, EXCEL 2019 Visio 2013, VISIO 2010, visio 2003
Powerpoint 2013, powerPoint 2016, PowerPoint 2019 Windows Clustering Office 365
Teams scrum Data gouvernance
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